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A Simple Guide to Ethical Content Writing Using AI

A Simple Guide to Ethical Content Writing Using AI

OpenAI launched its newest product on a lineup of Artificial Intelligence bots in November 2022: Chat GPT. Because of the human-like interaction of Chat GPT, and its multi-professional use across industries and platforms, it is important to learn how to use the tool ethically. Accurate and humane use of new tools like Chat GPT requires a Simple Guide to Ethical Content Writing Using AI in order to keep proving these tools are beneficial. 

Chat GPT was launched to provide accessible & advanced tools for all users, Chat GPT was trained by OpenAI. to provide human-like answers to prompts from users, ranging from simple questions to creating essays, charts, tables, and even content, including scripts, captions, blogs and much more. 

This has made the tool widely popular, with over 1 million users within the first five days after the tool was launched last year. “Its rapid adoption since then by some 100 million users in just its first two months is already changing how the internet will look and feel to users.”- Business Insider

how to log in or sign up for chatgpt
What Data Feeds Artificial Intelligence Generators like Chat GPT

When prompted, this is the response provided by Chat GPT when asked about it’s sources:

“As an AI language model, my responses are generated based on a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available data. I have not been directly trained on specific publishers or have access to proprietary publishers. 

Therefore, I am unable to access subscription sites, the content behind paywalls, or any other type of proprietary information pertaining to third-party companies. I should note that while I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, my responses may not always reflect the most current news events or developments. News is constantly evolving, and new information can emerge that may change the context or understanding of a given topic.”

This is why it’s so important to request sources from Chat GPT and other generators, otherwise, the risk of copying original content or plagiarism is very high.

asking chatgpt where it get info
Why Use a Simple Guide to Ethical Content Writing Using AI

AI bots, including ChatGPT and other generators, use huge amounts of Internet data and sources for knowledge-based references. The internet provides for a vast source of information, ranging from programing language to specific writing tones inspired by real writers and current content. 

Thanks to the immense data available online today, Artificial Intelligence has a wealth of knowledge, but the conversational outputs which it uses to provide answers to uses make it a useful tool for almost everyone. A.i. has proven its worth when it comes to facilitating data and content to a wide range of industries, specially technology, and art.

However, the ease with which generators like Chat GPT repeat and provide users with answers inspired by previous data & content created by other users has put the new technology in the crosshairs of a lot of lawsuits. 

Many professional individuals like artists, creators, and other professionals feel that the platform promotes a form of “permitted” plagiarism. There is a palpable worry that AI generators will prove detrimental to a number of industries, and even humanity in some extreme cases.

The Risks for AI Generators: Plagiarism, Lawsuits from Artists, Creators, and Celebrities

While celebrities like Sarah Silverman, Sarah Andersen, Kelly McKernan, and Karla Ortiz sue OpenAI and other platforms for copying their artwork, it doesn’t help that Chat GPT and other A.i. can produce full works of art, and provide answers & jokes during conversations using these artists as “inspiration.”

Artists and creators are not the only ones with beef against AI generators, educational institutions and professors have been at the center of the debate, constantly battling students’ efforts to fool the educational systems by using AI to write papers and process information for them. This issue arises from the reality that students today use AI generators for most of their assignments and therefore lose a huge chunk of learning required for a successful career. 

Professors and educational institutions have tried to mitigate the use of Artificial Intelligence with software that helps catch generated written content, but the tools have failed to accurately identify all AI generated papers. The software can also backfire and identify as AI an original piece of work submitted by a student. This opens institutions to the risk of lawsuits from those wrongly accused.    

These bots are designed to evolve, using machine learning, to recognize patterns, verify tone, and identify objects by using data fed in multiple formats including text, number, image, and video formats, to predict learning patterns.

We know now internet data is not always true or trustworthy. It is seldom original, either. For this reason, when using the internet to research a topic, humans usually verify data with other sources. 

Citing original sources and reviewing AI generated responses allows for original content interpreted in our voice.

A.i. generators can learn faster than the human mind, but their resources for capturing truth and human behavior are limited by the data fed, in this case, a vast set of unreliable internet results.

What are the Issues with Chat GPT and other AI Generated Content

AI Generators like Chat GPT are trained to gather online data available in order to provide users with human-like responses to conversations and questions. These bots are designed to evolve, using machine learning, in order to recognize patterns, verify tone, and identify objects by using data fed in multiple formats including text, number, image, and video formats, to predict learning patterns.

As intelligent and advanced humans, we know internet data is not always true or trustworthy. It is seldomly original too. For this reason, when using the internet to research a topic, humans usually verify data with other sources. This allows for mostly original human-created content, verified by various sources and interpreted in our personal voice. A.i. generators are able to learn faster than the human mind, but their resources for capturing truth and human behavior are limited by the data fed, in this case, a vast set of unreliable internet results.

How to: A Simple Guide to Ethical Content Writing Using AI

  • Read and Verify AI Generated Responses

Since internet data is the main source of knowledge in A.i., it is hard for the bot to identify false information. Many users have been provided false responses or inaccurate information from A.i. generators like Chat GPT. A.i. completely depends on the internet.

  • List Sources

Another issue with Chat GPT and A.i. Generators are the trend to use sources in their responses without citing authors, artists, creators, or media. The risk of copying other creators is very high when using A.i. to generate content. That is why asking for sources in the original prompt and verifying the response is so important as a Guide to Ethical Content Writing Using A.I.

  • Provide the AI Generator with Plenty of Details

The more information you provide in the prompt to AI Generators like Chat GPT, the better and more original responses it will provide. Including desired keywords, specifying audiences, product details, and other information will result in accurate and useful responses.

  • Provide Writing Samples for Tone

Uploading past writing examples is a great way to improve the tone used in A.i. content. It is easy to sound robotic with content provided by machine learning and A.i. generators. Specifying tone or providing written examples can greatly help in getting a human-like response. It can even help A.i. content to imitate your voice.

  • Change Sentences and Add a Personal Tone

Even though all of these suggestions will help AI-generated responses to be more human-like, it does not provide enough originality. Not to mention, that when working with clients, putting effort into content creation is key to success. This is why it is important to rewrite A.i. generated responses and content.

Changing words can help provide the content with a personal touch, add a specific call to action, and even include a brand’s voice within A.i. generated content. In the same manner, adding, editing, or eliminating whole sentences can help the tone and use for responses. For example, captions are not usually long, not by industry standards, so it always helps to read and rewrite A.i. generated captions.

  • Provide Keywords in Prompt

Another great way to get ethical content writing using A.i. is adding keywords when creating new web pages, blogs, and other SEO content. Keywords can even help write better Social Media captions that result in better engagement and increased reach

providing detailed prompts to chatgpt

New Chat GPT Updates and A.i. Integrations

In the months since its original launch in November last year, Chat GPT is on version 4.0 now. With most of the 2023 market trends leaning towards automation, algorithms, and machine learning, Open AI has rolled various updates including GPT-3 & GPT-4 improving responses and learning processes to stop the spread of false information, providing more accurate responses, improving voice and other problem-solving features

Other tech companies like Windows, Google, Grammarly, and other tools like Later already use A.i. integrations to improve their user experience. You can now create spreadsheets, presentations, write documents, perfect your grammar, and generate new captions using these integrations.

Chat GPT and other AI generators have become useful tools for professions like marketing, advertising, tech development, programming code, travel, writing, movie production, web design, cybersecurity, and more. The utility of machine learning has crossed industry lines, benefiting not only companies but professionals looking to improve their work too.

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